Yes. Posting a second time in one day. It won't be like this everyday, definitely not, I just wanted to share some of my feelings on a few of the "Anorexia Commandments".
Honestly, I think the majority of them are good. Some are just a bunch of BS.
I believe you can self-diagnose, and some people do live by these rules. I don't think they're necessary. All that matters to me is that I'm skinny. I have to be skinny. That's the only rule I have.
But I digress.
"If you aren't thin, you aren't attractive."
For me, this is true. This is the constant message shouting at me every time I raise food to my mouth, or look in the mirror. It's constantly reminding me I can't be pretty until I am skinny. It can be helpful, and at times, quite annoying. I'm pretty sure every girl with an ED believes this one.
"Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty."
This is good. Guilty will prevent you from doing it again. If you binge on fattening foods with tons of gross cheese and crap, it's good to cry about it. You don't have to cut, but make sure you feel bad about it.
"Being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and success."
Being ana has more benefits than just being thin, it gives you self control. You can use it for the future and now. When you have to decide things you can think them through better and know the choice you're going to make before you even have to make it.
"You are worthless if not skinny"
DO NOT BELIEVE THIS FOR ONE SECOND. True, being skinny is fantastic and amazing, but don't just lay around all day and think about food. I do think about food 24/7, but I do stuff too. I work on things to distract me. Even if you aren't skinny, you still can do things. Everyone needs help. Besides,your family, friends, and the people around you will suspect something if you don't get out and interact. I am horrible at doing that, and I have to be EXTREMELY careful around everyone, so they don't get too suspicious. In fact, My Mom is starting to think there's something up.
I hope this sort of gave you a new perspective. Everyone has different opinions. You can decide which commandments you want to follow or not any at all, just keep this in mind.
I AM here and I DO care. If you need someone to talk with, just send me an email or comment. I will encourage you.
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